The story of an abandoned English Angora...Page2
These are NOT my rabbits!!
"Abandoned doe....clipping was the only way to free her from her matted condition" 

Well here she is all free from her prison of matted wool.  It took me 3 hours to accomplish this one, she was that bad. I even had to cut short, all four of her paw pads, which I hate to do, because of sore hocks but they were that matted and urine soaked.  Her ears had an extreme buildup of wax, as well. She was heavily caked in wool mite dandruff, and it was all over me, to the point where I looked like a bag of icing sugar was poured on me!  Her ear tips bled when I combed out the matt's on them.  I even had to cut the wool off her entire tail!  It looks like a thin stick now, I never cut my EA tail wool, I only blunt cut the tip of it.  She was urine soaked to the max. I will Ivermec her and repeat in seven days... then worm her for internal parasites.

She smells better, and feels better now, but she was not too happy about having to endure the 3 hour grooming session.  She can move again.   I put this small dress on her to keep her warm till she gets some re-growth on her.  I have nicknamed her Carmel ... you can not help but get bonded when you go through something like this with a poor neglected bunny.





This the Blue Doe, she is not as bad, but still not good, you can see her ears have begun to matt. I have nicknamed her Sophia, she is very sweet. They have already begun to bond to me, they are happy to finally receive love.  The eyes seem to look to you for mercy almost ... for someone to care and love them too...very sad.


"Breeding for shows is acceptable, since this type of activity focuses on improving the breed in order to achieve overall excellence.  Breeding for wool production is purposeful.   Breeding just to have a litter of cute babies is unscrupulous. Breeding to expose children to the miracle of birth is unconscionable, since most of these poor animals will end up in shelters where they will experience the miracle of death. There are very few suitable homes for these care intensive rabbits & here at HHR, we do not breed to accommodate sales.  We receive numerous sales inquiries, however, our sales are minimal, but the homes that have our bunnies are awesome, because at HHR, we look you over too."

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Update....3 months after rescue....


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